Top 29 Sayings, Slogans, and Quotes for Your Team Practice Shirts
Batter up! Baseball season is upon us. What a great time of year. The smell of popcorn. The metallic thwack of a solid hit. Children in the outfield staring at butterflies instead of paying attention to the game... Maybe that last one is only applicable to Little League.
Baseball really is America’s pastime. As the snow melts and the grass becomes greener, thousands of coaches are gathering their teams and starting practices. Obviously, baseball can only be played by a team, not a single person. What is one of the best ways to show team unity?
Matching shirts! Having a team that presents a unified front inspires teamwork and will help you get the best out of your players. Need an idea for a slogan? Below are the Top 29 Baseball Sayings, Slogans, and Quotes for Your Team Practice Shirts.
1. Every game is game seven
- Even though the World Series is half a year away, this is a great way to remind your team that every game matters, that every game counts.
2. Hit Hard, Run Fast, Turn Left.
- Crack the bat, run the bases, and MAKE SURE you turn left. If you turn right, that could be an issue. But, hey, you’re an all star.
3. Actions speak louder than coaches
- Coaches, you know how loud you can get. Not as loud as parents who think you made a bad call, but pretty close. Let your team know that you can take a joke and put on a really cool shirt design.
4. The true champion loses many battles before winning the war
- Practice makes perfect, but sometimes the best teacher is failure. It truly builds your character. Everyone loses at some point, but real victors take that loss and learn from it.
5. It isn’t the hours you put in, but what you put in the hours
- Just because you put a lot of time into something, does not mean the end product is anything good. Your team needs to know that, yeah, you can have fun, but you need to work hard to be an all star.
6. The harder you work, the harder it is to lose.
- Hard work, dedication. Those are the two things all champions have to take it all the way to the top.
7. Look up, get up, but never give up
- This quick, punchy slogan will look really great on a shirt. It’s a good message that teams of all ages, from youth to adult, need to hear. Look up, to your coach, to your teammates. Get up, from a fall, from a slide into home plate. Never give up the drive.
8. One team, One dream
- The biggest thing that youth need to know about sportsmanship is that it is not just about you. It is about everyone on the team. This is a great shirt design that can teach your team a lesson about working together.
9. Unity in adversity
- The road may get tough, it may be slow to start, but you’re all in this together. You are a team. Wear a shirt that tells them that.
10. Train hard, Win easy
- Natural talent is great, but, most of the time, it’s not enough. Practicing hard will make victory a piece of cake.
11. Out hustle. Out work. Out play. Out last.
- Out on the diamond, you are part of one team, one machine. You all worked together to out pace every other team out there. Show your opponents how out of their league they are with this shirt.
12. You may be strong but we are stronger.
- Shots fired! This short slogan is a message to the other team, “Hey, we are here to play and we are going to do it way better than you.”
13. Hit, Run, Score! Repeat
- Quick, easy, versatile. This slogan will work with any design and will make your team look fantastic.
14. United we play, United we win!
- Baseball is America’s game. Just like this country, the team will not win unless you all work together. This slogan would be fantastic to help give your team a sense of purpose.
15. Champions are made when no one is watching
- Great talent often goes undiscovered. It is sad, but true. But, when you outshine your opponents, people start to take notice. Your team may seem like an underdog at times, but they can be champions.
16. No excuses, no complaining, no explanations…just execute!
- Champions work hard. Champions give results. If you want to be a champion, you need to stay focused, drop your excuses, and go for it. This slogan is a message that your team needs to hear. Wearing it on a shirt will help it sink in.
17. Winning is a habit. Success is a choice.
- If you are an excellent player, winning becomes routine. “Another team? Eh, another W!” However, relying on that routing can cause problems. Your team needs to think and focus on succeeding as a unit.
18. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
- You can be the most talented player on the field, but, if you don’t work hard at improving those talents, you are going to be left in the dust. Let your team know that they may be good, but they can always be better.
19. Practice with a purpose. Play with a passion.
- One goal. One end point. You want to win. Practice hard, play hard. Your victory will come easy if you play with passion.
20. Sweat makes the green grass grow.
- While not scientifically accurate, this is a fantastic slogan to inspire your team. If you aren’t sweating, the grass isn’t growing. Working hard will get good results.
21. Demand respect or expect defeat.
- If your team shows up on the diamond with no swagger, no drive, they are going to get trounced. This shirt will help your team know that image and talent are the two biggest parts of a successful team.
22. Never let good enough, be enough!
- You know, if an engineer built a bridge that was “good enough” they would be fired and would most likely have their license taken away. Just because it is “good enough” does not mean that it is enough to win. Your team needs to know that they are enough to win.
23. Sweat + Sacrifice = Success
- Success takes time. It takes drive and ambition. It takes long practices and Saturday afternoons. It takes summer heat and rain. To be an all star, you need to sweat and sacrifice.
24. Ya Gotta Believe!
- Okay, this seems a little corny, but the message is good. This is a rallying cry for your team to have them believe in themselves. If you do not believe in yourself or your team, you are bound to lose.
25. Team: Together Everyone Achieves More
- One big theme in this list is teamwork. You can’t win a baseball game by yourself. Teaching the youth to not focus on themselves but focus on the team will make this baseball season a surefire win.
26. We’re busting ours, to kick yours.
- Oh yeah, bringing the sass. Working hard is great, but working hard with an enemy in mind is even better. Plus, this slogan is pretty funny and will make you a more relatable coach!
27. “Leadership must be demonstrated, not announced”. – Fran Tarkenton
- Fran Trakenton was a player for the Minnesota Vikings for around 18 years. At the time of his retirement, he owned EVERY major quarterback record. This guy is an inspiration to any athlete, no matter the sport. You, coach, should lead by example. Be like Fran. Own the field.
28. “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden
- John Wooden, the “Wizard of Westwood”, was the first basketball player to be named All-American three times. This guy can do it all. Well, maybe not ALL, but a lot. Did he let the stuff he couldn’t do get in the way of his talent? No! Have your team focus on their strengths to enhance the weaknesses.
29. “Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical.” – Yogi Berra
- Yogi Berra is a name synonymous with baseball. He has played in over 22 World Series and was on the winning team for over half of them. He knows that it isn’t just a strong body that will get the win. A strong mind is necessary to read your opponent.
Baseball is a great sport and can teach your team some great life lessons. Showing unity through a t-shirt design is a great way to help a team succeed! These and a lot of other great sayings are available to purchase. The slogans can be designed to meet your team’s specifications! Looking for something with just a team logo? Don’t worry, you can get those here, too!