Top 15 Swim Team Shirt Designs (2024)
Being on the swim team is low-key one of the coolest teams to be on. Think about it. You get to hang out in the pool with your pals getting absolutely shredded in order to break your own record. Plus, you get to wear those cool caps and goggles. What’s not to love? In a stroke of good luck, we are here to make sure you all get to show off your awesome crew with these cool swim team tshirt designs! Each design is fully customizable. The colors can be changed to match your school and all the logos and fonts can be edited to fit your school’s style. Now, without further ado, here’s our 15 favorite swim team shirts!
15. Tri-Lane Swimming

Starting off with a more basic design, this design shows off what you’re all about: swimming (shocker). When people think of a high school swim team, this is what they imagine. There is a vector graphic of a swimmer showing excellent form surrounded by a triangle of swim lanes. The alternating colors of the swim lanes can be customized to your school colors! The font here is a throwback to the 1970s with big, bulky letters. It’s a cool swim team shirt design that will appeal to many different ages.
14. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Winning

This is a pretty awesome design, it almost gives me butterflies in my stomach! It’s a play on the Thomas Jefferson quote but, instead of happiness, your team is after the gold! The American flag in the back works really well with the quote, considering its origin. On top of that, you can put your state’s outline over the top of the flag. This would be a great design if you needed some state swim team tshirts!
13. Wave Pool

Sometimes, simple is best. This is a rectangle with a few wavy lines, almost like the waves of the seas. Your school’s initials, the year, and the word “swimming” complete the look. This design would look great on any of our hoodies, sweatshirts, or tshirts. This would look especially good on a polo (wait, wrong sport…).
12. Fearless - Committed - Strong

Your team is always diving headfirst into the competition, so why not get a shirt that reflects that? When you really think about it, you have to be exceptionally brave to be on the dive team. You have to be able to climb up high and literally jump headfirst into the water below. That sounds like a legitimate nightmare for most people. Just like the dive team shirt says: Fearless, committed, strong. All three are necessary to being a champion diver.
11. Veni, Natavi, Vici. (We Came, We Swam, We Conquered)

This is a truly radical design. Another play on a famous quote, this comes from the one and only Julius Caesar. Originally “Veni. Vidi. Vici.” meaning “I came, I saw, I conquered,” this swim team shirt design changes it slightly. Natavi, meaning “I swam”, replaces vidi, making this a very specific historical reference. The background also has a laurel crown, something that Roman emperors would wear to signify victory. They’re also used in the Olympics for the victors. Crown your team as the conquerors!
10. No Excuses

“It’s too cold. My arms hurt. I just ate and now have to wait 30 minutes before getting into the pool.” Your team has probably heard it all. But they know the only response from the coach will be “No excuses, get in the dang pool.” This cool tshirt design looks like a stamp right across the chest. The text and logo are faded a bit, showing that you put your team (and shirts) through the wringer. The image is a pair of swim goggles, but it can be replaced with a logo of your choice.
9. Tribal Swim

You know how championship teams will sometimes get a tattoo together to symbolize the hard work and camaraderie they shared together? Well, since you’re all in high school, that’s probably not the best idea. Instead, get this tattoo-like design on your swim team tshirts! The team name is sandwiched between two tribal flames, a very popular tattoo choice. The flames are dual colored so you can easily customize these to match your school colors.
8. Varsity Goggles (can personalize with your team signatures)

Have a lot of Seniors on your team? This very unique shirt would be a great way to send them off in style! The background is a varsity letter, similar to what would go on their letterman jacket, but your entire team and coaching staff can sign it… And you don’t even need a pen! You can collect your team’s signatures using the website www.signature-collect.comand we can print them directly on the design! How cool is that!
7. Swim Words

Swimming is a very complicated sport. There are tons of different strokes to remember and each one works a different part of the body. It’s hard work to be a good swimmer! This swim team tshirt design has a bunch of words that describe your team and what they do.
6. It's Go Time!

Oh dang, that swimmer is going so fast, the water is on fire! Well, maybe not THAT fast since it goes against the basic laws of physics, but your swimmers are pretty darn close to that fast. Have your team show off their incredible skills with this cool tshirt design. When they’re in the water, they know it’s go time!
5. Building a Tradition. One Stroke at a Time

This design features a very detailed swimmer under your team’s name. This would be a good shirt for a newer club trying to build membership. With a high quality design like this, it would be sure to turn a few heads! The quote along with it shows that your team is in it for the long haul. You’re not just playing around in the pool, you’re building a long lasting team that will blow the others out of the water!
4. Fueled By Chlorine

DISCLAIMER: IZADesigns does not condone or encourage drinking chlorine. Seriously, do not drink this stuff… But, a little bit of pool water in the nose or mouth never really hurt anyone! With how much time your team spends in the pool, that chlorine smell is the scent that your team needs to get pumped up for the big meet. Their chlorine laced blood pumps through their veins at the start of each race! This tongue and cheek design is a fun way to remind everyone that your team knows how to joke around and have fun, even when competing.
3. Retro Swimming Stripes

Here’s another cool swim team tshirt design, this one is a throwback to the 70s and 80s. The big, Impact-like font at the top with the script right below it just screams retro! The spot in the center would be a great place to put your school mascot to really make it your own. The three bars on each side are good representations of swim lanes in your pool.
2. Classic Collegiate Lane

This classic design is sure to be a hit with your whole school. It’s a collegiate style font that is immediately recognizable as being related to the school. The line in the center is another reference to the swim lanes. Along with that, your logo can go right in the center of your chest, over your heart. Which, of course, belongs to your favorite team.
1. Success Trains. Failure Complains

This final design takes the cake for the quote and the design. The quote is a great reminder to your team that their attitude is what determines their outcome. If you are a complainer, you aren’t going to be as successful as your other teammates. They’re focused on the goal: being able to stand at the edge of the pool as the victor. The design in the center is a swimmer bursting out of the water during a butterfly stroke. However, if you look closely, it looks like an eagle taking off, wings beating, cutting through the air like a knife. Not only can your swimmers succeed in the water, but, with the confidence and strength they earned on the team, they can soar to new heights.
As always, these are all customizable with your team logo, mascot, colors, whatever! Everything, including the fonts, can be changed to really make these shirts yours. You can make swim team hoodies, swim team tshirts, and even swim team sweatshirts with your custom design on it. There are tons of other designs available for you at!