Top 14 Marching Band Shirt Designs
Being a band kid is probably the best thing to be in high school. Think about it. You are an important part of every home football game. You know how to play an instrument which is quite hard to do. You get to play music to all of your friends and family and people clap for you. You also have incredible posture. How great is that?! Why not celebrate your superiority with one of these awesome school band t-shirts?
Here’s a list of the top 14 marching band t-shirt designs available at Don’t forget! All of our designs are customizable. We can change the colors, words, and logos to fit your school!
14. Make some noise!

Let’s start with a throwback design. The half-moon design in the background hearkens back to the 1970s. The font is incredibly stylized, with thick tops and bottoms to put it firmly in a bygone era. However, these would be great shirts for high school bands that are doing some classic rock for their halftime show. They’re ready to make some noise with this design!
13. I'm with the Band!

Stake your claim in the band with this pep band inspired t-shirt! It’s a simplistic design that tells everyone where you belong. Imagine a sea of green shirts at your next basketball game, all of them proudly announcing who they are with. The words look like they are spray painted on with a stencil, like on a footlocker. It is a fun and simple design that would fit well with any school.
12. Feel the noise! See the poise!

Look, I’m a brass man, okay? Trombones are one of the greatest instruments of all time. It’s a slide whistle for grown ups! Trumpets? Oh yeah, that’s the stuff. Any marching band player knows the joy (?) of standing up for hours with your heavy instrument, back upright, neck straight. But the poise is worth it when you see that brass flashing on the field! This is a pretty classic sport design with the school year in the middle.
11. Can you here us NOW?

It’s appropriate that this design has a middle school band as part of the template because, boy howdy, they have two modes: Loud and Way Too Loud. Part of the learning process is volume modulation and middle school is usually where you learn how to do that. Thankfully, when you are in pep or marching band, you need to be loud! You have to drown out the hundreds of cheering fans so the players can hear your support. So, can you hear us now? Heck yeah you can! Your school’s name is blasting out from the center of this shirt, almost as if it’s in the middle of an explosion. It’s a pretty cool design for any middle school marching band..
10. When words fail. Music speaks

The phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words” is something people say quite often. However, if a picture is worth a thousand, music is worth a million words. Words can make you feel a certain way, but music can make those feelings a hundred times more powerful. Music and musicians are some of the best arbiters of meaning, so let your high school band t-shirts show that off. The design itself puts your band on center stage letting everyone know who can provide the meaning when others can not speak
9. Music is our life

Passion is important to music. Being passionate about what you create makes creating stuff easier and better. You can tell when a musician really loves what they do because their work is better. If music is truly your band’s life, it will make everything go a lot smoother. The design is also pretty great! The lines look like a heart rate monitor while also looking like volume bars. The colors would look great when reflecting your high school band’s colors!
8. Feel the music

The primary function of a band is to make music. The secondary function of a band is to make people dance. They want you to really feel the music, feel the groove. Marching bands and pep bands are there to pump the audience up for the game! This shirt design shows the music blasting from the horn: sharps, flats, quarter notes, half notes, all sorts of stuff! It’s a great, simple design that would be perfect for any school music t-shirt.
7. Is it half time yet?

This was a common sentiment in most high schools. Half time is what football was made for! It’s a time to grab a snack, hit the head, and, most importantly, watch the killer half time show the band has cooked up. Show your school who the true stars of the Friday night lights are with this excellent t-shirt design! Your school name is at the top and the background could be either your mascot or the first letter of the animal mascot.
6. Keep calm and play on

This is a fun take on a classic design. The “Keep Calm” design originated from England during World War II and was a popular meme in the early 2010s. It’s a basic, but effective, design that can be adapted to fit any situation. It’s also a great message, especially for aspiring musicians! You have to keep it together while you play or your rhythm will be off or you’ll be more prone to mistakes. Remind your marching band or music classes to keep calm with this t-shirt design!
5. Separated by section, united in harmony

Harmony is a great word. It has two great meanings in this context. In music, harmony is something that is achieved by having two sounds mix together in a pleasant way. It also means being connected and happy as one group. Although your band may be separated by different sections, they are all working together in harmony to create a harmonious sound for all to enjoy. It’s a great school band t-shirt design for any school level.
4. Admit it...We help you get your groove on

Your band has to have a singular goal in mind. That goal? Get everyone excited. A touchdown? Blast out that celebratory music! A bad call? Sad tuba sounds will get a laugh. A break in the action? Play some music to get everyone to groove their worries away. Some of the more athletically inclined will be afraid to admit it, but the band is the real reason people are excited at football games. Use this band design to shove that fact in their faces!
3. Divided by section. Untied in harmony

Each section of the band is important to the whole. Without the woodwinds, you wouldn’t have high melodies. The brass provides the deeper undertones. The percussion has the driving force behind the rest of the band. They all need to work together to make a great song. This is a different take on the other design from before. It’s more serious than the other one. This is a great design for those who have a more power oriented mascot or want to have a more aggressive design for their band t-shirts.
2. Life without music would b (flat)

Alright, music nerds, here’s your inside baseball music pun t-shirt design. For those not in the know, the symbol next to the “B” is not a lowercase version of the same letter. No, it’s a flat symbol, something that is used when a note needs to be played flat instead of sharp or normal. Of course, this design speaks the truth. Can you even imagine a world without music? It would be boring, lifeless, two dimensional. Remind everyone else that your band or choir provides a pivotal service to their life with this excellent music t-shirt design.
1. One Band. One Sound

Rounding out the list is an excellent design with an important message. Music can be played solo, but it’s much richer with a whole band. Everything must be played together as one for it to create the perfect music. Along with the “One Band, One Sound” being literally tied together, it is surrounded by other words that are important for a band to have. Respect for each other as musicians, responsibility to make sure you are playing your part correctly, helping each other out as a team. And, most importantly, having fun. That’s what high school band is all about. Playing music and having fun! Let your band shirt design reflect that truth.
Those are just a selection of our high school marching band and pep band designs. There are tons of great designs available on! All of our shirts are customizable in order to reflect your school in the best way. Mascots, colors, logos, we can do it all!